Working across production, financing and demand, the Good Growth Partnership convenes a wide range of stakeholders and initiatives to reduce deforestation and enable sustainable development in three global commodity supply chains: soy, beef and palm oil.
Launched at the United Nations New York headquarters in 2017, the Partnership is funded by the Global Environment Facility, led by the United Nations Development Programme and implemented in collaboration with Conservation International, the International Finance Corporation, UN Environment and World Wildlife Fund.
In partnership with the governments of Brazil, Indonesia, Liberia and Paraguay, as well as civil society and major private sector players, together we aim to place sustainability at the heart of commodity supply chains.

As demand for agricultural commodities grows, we need to develop forward-thinking business models to manage sustainable commodity production that also maintains forests and important ecosystem services.
Naoko Ishii, CEO and Chairperson of the Global Environment Facility (2012-2020)
The Challenge
The commercial production of soy, beef and palm oil is a dominant economic force in many national and developing rural economies. Worldwide, the livelihoods of 2.5 billion people depend on agriculture.
However, our growing global population, rising incomes and changing diets will continue to increase demand for agricultural commodities and put more pressure on the planet’s finite natural resources.
Soy, beef and palm oil are considered to be among the biggest drivers of tropical deforestation today. The consequences include losses to habitats and biodiversity, rising carbon dioxide levels which contribute to climate change as well as the degradation of essential ecosystem services such as clean water and fresh air which we depend on for our very survival.
For that reason, it has never been more important to forge new ways of doing business that enable ‘good growth’ without the associated environmental consequences of unsustainable agricultural production and deforestation.
Our Integrated Approach
Working with a full range of stakeholders, from small-scale producers to national governments and global corporations, the Good Growth Partnership promotes a holistic approach to sustainability that encompasses entire commodity supply chains.
Instead of treating production, demand and investment interventions as separate tracks, the Partnership looks at where the layers of the supply chain integrate and overlap to enhance financial incentives and demand for sustainably produced agricultural commodities.
By combining forces, the Good Growth Partnership aims to provide a model of wide-scale systemic reform which capitalizes on the strengths of each partner.
How We Enable Change
Clear policies for land use to dissuade expansion into forests while making suitable land available for cultivation
Nationally coordinated farmer support services to improve agricultural practices and market access
Robust economic incentives and new models for financing to encourage sustainable production
Increased market awareness and consumer demand for reduced deforestation commodities
Knowledge and lessons learned shared throughout the supply chain to coordinate and scale-up best practice

“From my vantage point this initiative, the Good Growth Partnership, is long overdue. Agriculture in the 21st century is fundamental and foundational to our very existence but ironically it has become one of the biggest challenges we face in our pursuit toward sustainability and an inclusive green economy of the future.”
Achim Steiner, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme
How We Work Throughout the Supply Chain
Cultivating Sustainable Production
Building on the government-led initiatives of the UNDP’s Green Commodities Programme, as well as WWF and Conservation International’s efforts to protect important landscapes, the Partnership supports countries to overhaul the way commodities are produced, creating sector-wide and lasting change. This involves convening diverse stakeholders around a common vision and an agenda for action. Essentially it enables governments to fortify their support to farmers, reform laws and policies as well as enforcement systems.
Generating Responsible Demand
Building on WWF’s long history of engaging with corporations and consumers, the Good Growth Partnership helps to raise awareness and strengthen demand for sustainably produced beef, palm oil and soy among consumers, policymakers, companies and investors. Coordinating with existing platforms and initiatives, the Partnership is working to promote and improve transparency. Partners are also working to address market barriers and to develop ways to better incentivize demand for sustainable production. Experience the allure of Luxury with the fake Rolex explorer, offering style and sophistication without breaking the bank. Discover how the fake rolex explorer vs real comparison highlights affordability while maintaining elegance.
Enabling Sustainable Transactions
UN Environment’s Finance Initiative and the International Finance Corporation work closely with banks and related institutions to help make sustainable financing more accessible for businesses, farmers and producers who require additional capital to invest in more environmentally sound practices. It involves identifying, developing and promoting the adoption of financial products such as green bonds and impact investment structures as well as subsidies and co-financing models that support sustainable business practices. The Partnership also works with the finance sector to improve best practices and reduce the risk associated with financing the sustainable commodity sector.
Learning and Knowledge Management
The three areas of supply chain intervention are bound together at a global level with strong monitoring, evaluation and knowledge management. This work is supported via the continual development of a wider community of practice, coordinated by UNDP’s Food & Agricultural Commodity Systems Practice . This growing global community is a safe space where key commodity producing countries can share, shape and learn progressive practices and innovative solutions which will transform food and agricultural commodity systems.
Our Leadership
Andrew Bovarnick
Global Head, UNDP’s Food and Agricultural Commodity Systems practice and Green Commodities Programme
Ivo Mulder
UN Environment
Climate Finance Unit Head
John Buchanan
Vice President, Sustainable Production
Pascale Bonzom
Global Project Manager for the Good Growth Partnership and UNDP’s Food and Agricultural Commodity Systems practice
Our Team
Aline da Silva
GGP Coordinator and Programme Analyst
Amanda Sennert
Director, Multilateral Relations
Andrea Bina
Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation Specialist
Christina Archer
Senior Partnership Advisor
Jac Connell
ISEAL Alliance
Partnerships Manager
Lara Yacob
UN Environment
Transactions co Project Manager for the Good Growth Partnership
Lavinia Gasperini
Program Management for the Good Growth Partnership
Maria Fernández del Moral
Communications Consultant
Nicolas Petit
Effective Collaborative Action Lead Advisor
Pascal Fabie
Senior Advisor for Learning & Impact
Raina Lang
Senior Director, Sustainable Coffee
Vidya Rangan
ISEAL Alliance
Senior Impacts and Evidence Manager
In recent years, as rates of deforestation and environmental degradation have reached all-time highs, we have witnessed the emergence of countless initiatives to tackle the issue. In reality, however, this challenge is far too large for one actor or effort to overcome alone. It requires a large-scale effort, one that works in coordination at all levels of the
supply chain.
The Good Growth Partnership was born out of an urgent realization that if we have any chance of taking deforestation out of commodity supply chains we must combine our resources and work together.
Funding Partners

The Good Growth Partnership pilot phase (2017-2022) has been funded by the Global Environment Facility and contributed to the GEF’s commitment to assist developing countries in meeting the objectives of multilateral environmental agreements

The Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration (FOLUR) Impact Program is a $345mln initiative supported by the Global Environment Facility and led by the World Bank, which has appointed the Good Growth Partnership to support the work of the FOLUR Knowledge to Action (K2A) Global Platform starting in 2022
Founding and Affiliate Partners

The UNDP’s Green Commodities Programme (GCP) is leading the Partnership, with a specific focus on knowledge development and sustainable production. GCP is implementing a distinctive platform methodology that enables wide-scale action in commodity producing countries.

Up to June 2022, the IFC contributed to the Partnership’s transactions project, which aims to develop and test models to enhance the sustainable flow of finance throughout the commodity supply chain

Conservation International is working on the ground with producers, companies and policymakers to improve spatial mapping and land use planning, implement and validate legal requirements, and increase support for producers that improve practices and protect high-conservation value areas in Brazil, Indonesia and Liberia

Up to 2022, WWF worked to raise awareness and strengthen demand for sustainably produced beef, palm oil and soy among consumers, policy makers, companies and investors

Through its Finance Initiative, UN Environment is working closely with banks to help make sustainable financing more accessible for businesses and farmers who require additional capital to invest in more environmentally sound practices

ISEAL Alliance is leading the implementation of Evidensia, an online knowledge hub that aims to synthesize and communicate available information about sustainable production and voluntary sourcing initiatives and commitments. Evidensia was launched in mid-2019 and is oriented to meet the needs of business leaders, policy makers, and researchers as they shape standards and sustainable supply chain interventions
Interested in supporting the Good Growth Partnership?

Contact our global project manager