Read the latest news and blog articles from the Good Growth Partnership
Video: Achim Steiner at launch of the Good Growth Partnership
Agriculture in the 21st century is fundamental, it’s foundational to our very existence, and ironically it has also become one of the greatest threats to a sustainable future.
CEO of the Global Environment Facility, Naoko Ishii, addresses launch event
In GEF’s view, business as usual conservation doesn’t work anymore. We need to depart from that thinking
Liberia agriculture ministry launches new program to tackle deforestation
The Ministry of Agriculture, with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and Conservation International (CI) officially launched the Good Growth Partnership (GGP) in Liberia.
[The Guardian] Companies’ ‘zero deforestation’ pledges: everything you need to know
The UN has just launched the Good Growth Partnership, a four-year project led by the UNDP’s Green Commodities Programme aiming to transform the soy, beef and palm oil supply chains to meet SDG goals around poverty alleviation and tropical deforestation reduction.
[La Nacion] ‘Para alimentar al país, alimenten al bosque,’ nativo paraguayo en la ONU
Paraguay participa del lanzamiento de la Alianza para el Crecimiento Sólido del Programa de Green Comodities del Programa de las Naciones Unidas.
[Jakarta Post] UNDP launches program to improve sustainability of palm oil production
The UN has just launched the Good Growth Partnership, a four-year project led by the UNDP’s Green Commodities Programme aiming to transform the soy, beef and palm oil supply chains to meet SDG goals around poverty alleviation and tropical deforestation reduction.