Blogs & News2021-06-04T11:32:56+00:00

Read the latest news and blog articles from the Good Growth Partnership

Seeds Planted and Continuing to Grow

We urgently need systemic change in commodity supply chains if we are to mitigate the combined threats of catastrophic climate change, biodiversity loss and food insecurity. Now, a new report on the Good Growth Partnership Integrated Approach reveals that the four and a half-year programme has had real impact in laying the foundations for systemic change in palm oil, beef and soy supply chains, in partnership with four major producer countries: Indonesia, Brazil, Paraguay and Liberia.

Partnerships to Promote Sustainable Livestock Production in the Chaco Region

The Vice Ministry of Livestock (VMG), the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), the Government of Alto Paraguay and the Green Chaco project joined forces to train, provide technical assistance and support producers in the area with supplies and equipment and build a joint work plan aimed at sustainable livestock production and adaptation to climate change. The technical teams of the organizations involved that arrived in the territory were able to learn about the reality of the producers to identify their specific needs and, based on them, build a joint work plan aimed at sustainable livestock production and adaptation to climate change.

The Good Growth Partnership joins the Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration (FOLUR) Impact Program

FOLUR is a $345 million initiative supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) that seeks to transform the global food system by promoting sustainable, integrated landscapes and efficient commodity value chains. The World Bank (WB), leader of FOLUR Impact Program Global Platform, has appointed the Good Growth Partnership to bring its assets, experience and network to support the work of the new Platform.

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Seeds Planted and Continuing to Grow

We urgently need systemic change in commodity supply chains if we are to mitigate the combined threats of catastrophic climate change, biodiversity loss and food insecurity. Now, a new report on the Good Growth Partnership Integrated Approach reveals that the four and a half-year programme has had real impact in laying the foundations for systemic change in palm oil, beef and soy supply chains, in partnership with four major producer countries: Indonesia, Brazil, Paraguay and Liberia.

Partnerships to Promote Sustainable Livestock Production in the Chaco Region

The Vice Ministry of Livestock (VMG), the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), the Government of Alto Paraguay and the Green Chaco project joined forces to train, provide technical assistance and support producers in the area with supplies and equipment and build a joint work plan aimed at sustainable livestock production and adaptation to climate change. The technical teams of the organizations involved that arrived in the territory were able to learn about the reality of the producers to identify their specific needs and, based on them, build a joint work plan aimed at sustainable livestock production and adaptation to climate change.

The Future is Deforestation-Free

Pascale Bonzom, Global Project Manager for the Good Growth Partnership spoke at an Affiliated Session at the UNFSS Pre-Summit: “A New Model for Agricultural Production: Deforestation-free and Conversion-free Supply Chains” hosted by the Food and Land Use Coalition, the Tropical Forest Alliance and WWF, bringing to the conversation the Good Growth Partnership’s innovative approach to transforming commodity supply chains through integrated collaborative action.

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