Read the latest news and blog articles from the Good Growth Partnership
The Soy, Beef and Palm Oil Toolkits: Supporting Companies to Source Responsibly
Demanding that companies have strong commitments to source soy responsibly isn’t enough, if companies don’t have the capacity to implement it through their supply chains. A blog written by Jane Lino, Deputy Director at Proforest.
Good Growth Conference 2021: Moving from defense to offense in changing systems for sustainable commodity supply chains
The 2021 edition of the Good Growth Conference virtually took place from May 24 to 28, bringing together over a hundred of change makers to learn about System, Community, and Individual Transformation for Sustainable Commodity Supply Chains.
Why the Integrated Supply Chain Approach from the Good Growth Partnership is a Food Systems Game-Changer
Good Growth Partnership Global Project Manager Pascale Bonzom addressed the Danish National Summit Dialogue and explained how GGP’s Integrated Approach would be a game-changer in meeting food systems challenges, particularly in deforestation-free value chains.
Listening to Local Voices on Sustainable Palm Oil in Liberia
Liberia's sustainability efforts are progressing with the formation of a National Interpretation Working Group for the RSPO's global Principles and Criteria to guide the production of sustainable palm oil in the country.
Virtual Conversation: Business Action In and Beyond Supply Chains
During Climate Week NYC, the Good Growth Partnership in partnership with The Consumer Goods Forum and the Tropical Forest Alliance convened this virtual conversation.
Supporting a Resilient, Sustainable and Green COVID-19 Recovery in Brazil, Indonesia, Liberia and Paraguay
Presenting four research papers on the role of the Good Growth Partnership in supporting countries build back greener.
Time to Put Good Evidence to Good Use
One year since the launch of Evidensia, the go-to source of credible evidence on key sustainability issues.
Sustainable livestock can stimulate conservation, facilitate governance, and alleviate poverty in Latin America
How sustainable livestock systems have the potential to support countries in the reduction of environmental conflicts, the promotion of the conservation of ecosystems and the generation of economic benefits for families.
Can COVID-19 be a cure for nature?
What if we use what we have learned from the pandemic to find a way to live in a relationship with ourselves, each other and nature that is caring, nurturing and flourishing?
The time for collaboration is now: Strengthening Farmer Support Systems through Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration for Systemic Change
Launching the Farmer Support Toolkit, a guidance note to improve the lives of commodity producers and their communities while protecting important vulnerable ecosystems.
COVID-19 pandemic adds to drought and pricing concerns in the Paraguayan Chaco
For regions already dealing with negative trends in global climate and global trade, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought new pressures on top of drought and low prices.
How can companies and governments collaborate better for sustainable agricultural production?
Value Beyond Value Chains: Guidance Note for the Private [...]