Partnerships to Promote Sustainable Livestock Production in the Chaco Region

Mr. Gregorio, producer from Fuerte Olimpo ©PUND Paraguay

Mr. Gregorio, producer from Fuerte Olimpo ©UNDP Paraguay.

In Fuerte Olimpo and Puerto Guaraní, the producers also worked on farm planning, writing down the key data of the cattle herd in a field notebook, vaccinating and sanitizing the animals in a timely manner, and managing better their water supplies.

Overall, training’s recipients adopted 70% of good agricultural practices promoted, improving, in their own view, their economic and working conditions due to the increase of production, efficiency and costs reduction.

Producers from Alto Paraguay ©PUND Paraguay

Producers from Alto Paraguay ©UNDP Paraguay.

These actions were carried out in a collaborative effort between the VMG, the WCS organization with financing from the Darwin Initiative and the Green Chaco Project, led by the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development (MADES) and implemented by the United Nations Program for Development (UNDP) with financing from the Global Environment Facility (GEF). A project that came to an end in 2021, with almost 5,000 households benefited from trainings on sustainable production practices in the Paraguayan Chaco.
