October 1st, 2020. During Climate Week and under the umbrella of the Good Growth Partnership, UNDP, WWF, ISEAL Alliance and Proforest in partnership with The Consumer Goods Forum and the Tropical Forest Alliance convened a virtual conversation: Business action in and beyond supply chains: How public-private collaboration is driving landscape and jurisdictional impacts.
With opening remarks by Carlos Manuel Rodríguez, CEO and Chairperson of the Global Environment Facility and Wai-Chan Chan, Managing Director of the Consumer Goods Forum, senior corporate and government representatives, explored the rationale for private sector collaboration with governments in commodity producing countries – through landscape, jurisdictional/subnational and national level initiatives – to strengthen sustainable agricultural commodity production.
Watch the highlights of the conversation in the video below. Or if you would like to watch the full recording please go here.

Our current global production and consumption models negatively impact nature and reinforce social inequalities, necessitating an urgent transformation of these systems towards sustainability. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted an economic crisis of unprecedented scale that has further stressed food availability and food security due to disruptions in supply chains and revenue loss. Climate change will deepen and accelerate these impacts.
However, responding to COVID-19 presents an opportunity for commodity and food supply chain actors to build back better and lay the foundations of a more sustainable and resilient future. As key players in commodity and food supply chains, private sector companies have an important role in bringing positive change. Multi-stakeholder collaborations at the level of landscapes and jurisdictions in producer countries are showing promising results for achieving sector-wide transformation.
During this high-level event, the partners in the GEF-funded Good Growth Partnership came together with the Tropical Forest Alliance , The Consumer Goods Forum and commodity supply chain stakeholders to exchange knowledge, lessons learned and experiences on challenges and solutions for effective private sector engagement at national and subnational jurisdictional (together referred to as “jurisdictional”) and landscape levels to shift toward sustainable and resilient commodity supply chains and food systems. Concrete experiences on jurisdictional and landscape approaches were shared by private sector actors and government institutions engaged at different scales in Indonesia (palm oil) and Ghana (cocoa), as well as by global leading companies involved in these supply chains.
Coming next is a series of workshops that will be organised by the UNDP’s Green Commodities Community together with the Jurisdictional Exchange Network on the specific tools mentioned during the event: Value Beyond Value Chains; Engaging with Landscape Initiatives; Landscape scale action for forests, people and sustainable production; and Verification of Jurisdictional Claims. These tools are designed to increase the understanding of landscape and jurisdictional approaches and to strengthen private sector capacity for engaging in such approaches.