Five years of the Good Growth Partnership.
Making deforestation out of key agricultural commodity supply chains and enhancing producers ́ livelihoods.
Since 2017, the Good Growth Partnership has convened a wide range of stakeholders and initiatives to reduce deforestation and enable sustainable development in three global commodity supply chains: soy, beef and palm oil, working across production, financing and demand in Brazil, Indonesia, Liberia and Paraguay.
The Good Growth Solution
This pilot phase of the Partnership, funded by the Global Environment Facility, led by the United Nations Development Programme and implemented in collaboration with Conservation International, the International Finance Corporation, UN Environment and World Wildlife Fund, worked with a full range of stakeholders, from small-scale producers to national governments and global corporations, to promote a systemic approach to sustainability that encompasses entire commodity supply chains.
The Good Growth Partnership by the numbers
While GGP continues its work by jointly providing support to 27 Country Projects through the Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Impact Program (FOLUR)´s Knowledge to Action (K2A) Global Platform to accelerating transformative action in landscapes and along value chains, below are some of the results achieved by Partnership’s pilot phase:

metric tonnes of CO2 emissions (lifetime direct and indirect) avoided*
* Different tools have been used to calculate data on CO2 emissions avoided in the Brazil and Production projects. Please contact the GGP if further clarifications are needed.

countries with improved land use monitoring systems, transparency and/or traceability for reduced deforestation supply chains.

hectares of land benefiting from improved natural resources management and practices.

in new investments supporting sustainable production fostered by Partnership interventions.

farmers, producers and community members directly benefiting from agriculture training and community conservation agreements.

organizations connected via the Partnership on multi-stakeholder dialogue and collective action.

publications, briefs and knowledge products developed to enhance knowledge and support sustainable commodity supply chains

companies engaged in project activities making new or stronger commitments to source reduced deforestation palm oil, soy and/or beef.

commodity platforms and forums established, strengthened and/or supported to facilitate multi-stakeholder dialogue and collective action.

policies and/or action plans supported to foster and enable reduced deforestation supply chains, including 36 adopted or proposed and 2 under development.

financial tools, products and regulations identified or developed that support investments in sustainable production and land restoration

new partnerships facilitated between producers, buyers and finance providers fostering sustainable commodity supply chains

Read more
Please read more about GGP work on policy reform related to sustainable production, land use planning, producer support, collaborative action mechanisms, and integrated supply chain approach and systems mapping in the series of GGP Impact Briefs. The Partnership’s impact on the beef, palm oil and soy supply chains has been captured in related blogs in this website. Finally, results by country as well as by the overall Partnership are also available here:

Brazil: Country Infographic

Indonesia: Country Infographic

Liberia: Country Infographic

Paraguay: Country Infographic